A newly updated video on my youtube channel addresses how my project is changing course to get back on track.
Being vulnerable on social media is something that a lot of people would take a step back from and say no thank you... I say dive head first. It for sure is not easy but I think it is exactly what needs to be done. After much thought, I realized I wasn't being as authentic as I really could have been. There will always be a wall for safety and personal reason, but feeling nervous about a post or not wanting to cry on camera is why I want to rise to the challenge. I want to give people a light and a platform that is just being real. All through the bad, hurt, giggles, and love.
It's easy to see and publish good, and it's easy to publish the fake, but I have always liked a challenge.
Being real and being most importantly yourself is what the world needs.
- Paige Ouellette